By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
which is the best Vine weevil preventative on the uk market?
For the first time in a long time my winter cyclamen have been devastated by vine weevil grubs. I suspect the eggs were already there when I bought the plants.
I squished the little so and so's but the damage is done. any help greatfully received. thanks
19 Nov, 2010
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I agree with Bb that Provado is seems to be the only chemical product to be used with care. I was looking over my Heucheras yesterday, and one just came away in my hand. One tiny bit of root left. Little tiny maggots were up the tap root, which was in shreds. Fortunately I have lots of Caramel off shoots that seem OK. The heucheraholics web site has a marvellously informative section on vine weevil, amusingly written too. My water butt trug is full of drowned grubs but the robin rather likes them.
19 Nov, 2010
Provado is brilliant , but there is a preventative measure. Use Armillatox, You have to buy the product here as a cleaner. I contacted the UK site last year. The ingredients haven't changed one bit. It's just that the EU etc, don't like us to get our hands on anything that works. For directions on use the instructions are on the US site. check out the link below.
19 Nov, 2010
Or check out Nemesys vine weevil treatment - can only be used when the soil is a certain temperature though, so not during winter for sure. No harm to the environment either, as its not a chemical.
19 Nov, 2010
I knew of provado. These plants are in a large belfast sink so it wont be too hard to change the compost etc. Its full of bulbs too. I had hoped they would have been treated at source. perhaps thats why they were only 50p each. Still the others in the ground are all firm and healthy.
thanks for the help folks. :o)
19 Nov, 2010
Vine weavil eggs are in the compost, not the bulbs, Sbg. Whilst the weavils will lay eggs in any compost they particularly like peat. If we buy any plant that comes in a peat based compost we clean the roots of compost completely before re-planting.
19 Nov, 2010
sorry badly phrased, i know the bulbs should be ok its just that there are lots in the sink and i dont fancy turfing them all out. I give all the pots etc a good top dressing of grit as I'd been told the weevils dont like burying in to it to lay their eggs.
19 Nov, 2010
Yes, have a look at the Armillatox website as though they are no longer allowed to advocate its use on the bottle (only a cleaner), their website does give very good advice on the rate to use it for killing their eggs.
Provado only kills the grubs.
20 Nov, 2010
Thanks for that Fractal. When I next go to the GC I shall treat myself to a container of Armillotox. Unless there's a fire drill. Terrible busibodies they are at the EU corridors of power. If it smells of tar, I quite like that. It could scare away 'courting' couples too. Friends of ours have a right of way along one side of the garden and Jeyes fluid cured the cries of delight floating over the fence on summer evenings!!!!!!
20 Nov, 2010
A friend of ours had probs with one particular courting couple behind their garden, parked car. He made rather loud comments that it was the same chap but different girl. Never saw them again. :-D
21 Nov, 2010
that made me smile 2ndhand.
21 Nov, 2010
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Provado is the only one available, as far as I know. However, it should only be used in pots as it is harmful to other, more friendly, organisms in the open garden.
If you think that your compost is contaminated Sbg, then I would suggest emptying all your cyclamen out, washing the corms clean a dn repotting in new compost. Not very good for the cyclamen to do this now' but it is a sure way to rid them of the grubs.
19 Nov, 2010