Acer Maple Tree leaves drooping
By Growmee
United Kingdom
My Grandma noticed this morning that her tree has droopy leaves...and we were wondering if maybe it to do with the mixed up weather? also the leaves are falling off. the tree was panted about maybe 10 years ago so it quite big. it was planted to replace the big tree that my dad felled by mistake whilest landscaping the garden many years ago, so it very precious! any ideas?
On plant
1 Sep, 2008
I think its definately just the ttime of year I have several
small maple trees that are fromthe parent tree and they hhave all done the same. regards Alocin.
2 Sep, 2008
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A picture would help. It might just be the time of year, but seems early for leaf fall....a sick tree might shed it's leaves prematurely.....has anything been done to the tree or anything done NEAR it - like building works - anything that might have compacted the soil or damaged roots, etc? Does the bark look in good condition? Any ooze?
1 Sep, 2008