By Pixielady
Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Help with tree ID please.
This is a tree that is growing along one of our local roads which has only come to my attention this year. Its leaves were a blaze of colour earlier this month but on closer inspection I didn't recognise it and am having trouble finding it in my tree book. I'd love to see if it is suitable for gardens.
- 29 Nov, 2010
Amazing mixture of colours, Pixie. Hope someone can identify it (at first I thought it might be Kolkwitzia, but I think the shape is wrong).
29 Nov, 2010
I think this might be an Amelanchier - the commonest one is A. lamarckii, or A. Ballerina.
29 Nov, 2010
It's a Weeping common Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus 'Pendula') the leaf shape, semi-pendulous form and orange-bronze autumn colour are all quite characteristic.
They are very attractive trees but they can grow quite large - potentially 10 metres in heigh and width - so it's not ideal for most garden situations.
30 Nov, 2010
I'm really sorry everyone who's responded to my tree id question - I don't think I've said thanks - esp to Ilex who's id seems to fit very well, I didn't know there was a pendula form of Hornbeam! I think on reflection that I should just admire it where it is! Thanks all of you..
9 Apr, 2011
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It's a bit hard to say from the photos but it almost looks like a Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia).
29 Nov, 2010