By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone
I have been storing compost and perlite in a unheated plastic greenhouse although it has not frozen it is very cold do I need to bring up to room temperature before planting delicate bulbs and seeds into it
Best wishes
18 Dec, 2010
I agree with SBG move the compost indoors to warm up. Mind you what bulbs are you liking at planting right now?
18 Dec, 2010
All that I do is mix up a bucketful and bring it indoors for a couple of days. Turn it a couple of times to get a consistent temperature if it's particularly delicate or precious (Deppea?).
19 Dec, 2010
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yes it needs to be a bit warmer than it will at the moment. Then it depends what bulbs and seeds you are planning to grow. Some will not mind others will.
What are you hoping to grow Steve.
18 Dec, 2010