does any one know where i can buy cheap tsukubai on the web? or any one clever enough to suggest an alternitive or similar, its a big ask but i have a small budget,and i love to improvise so dont mind compromising.
22 Dec, 2010
thanks bamboo! have looked on google and i am now abit google eyed! ha! parden the pun, theres so many but none are in my budget, i was hoping some bright spark will have an idea to may be get the same effect , big idea small bucks ha!
22 Dec, 2010
Try ebay you might find one there
22 Dec, 2010
Just had a look on ebay £255 seems very expensive to me
22 Dec, 2010
thanx steveg , that was my problem! too dear and i would get more pleasure if i can find a way of achieving the desired effect without that sort of expense.
22 Dec, 2010
having looked at pictures of the basins, they seem to be quite varied in appearance, ranging from a hollowed out piece of rock through to a copper, ornate, engraved job. Surely the top of an appropriate bird bath would do the job? Or the top of a sundial stone, with the dial missing, though that wouldn't be very deep.
22 Dec, 2010
Google a site called "Garden site"Lots on there but most as you say are exspensive,or try perhaps to make one,google making one.
23 Dec, 2010
you could try member.. noseypotter i think he makes things out of concrete but ive not seen him on yhis week. best of luck and a happy xmas to one and all.
23 Dec, 2010
I sell concrete fountains retail, and 255 pounds ($392) sounds pretty reasonable to me. If you want a naturalistic one, you might check out your local rock or stone supplier for appropriately hollow rocks, and build your own--though you may wind up finding out what the expense is!
27 Dec, 2010
I can only suggest you google it.
22 Dec, 2010