By Ladybug47
United Kingdom
hey all,the snow has now gone and im seeing the garden for the first time in about five weeks,its a mess and fairly boggy,would it be ok to tidy it up a bit or would i kill the plants,and i dont want to walk on the lawn in case i damage the grass,should i leave well alone,and my bulbs are comeing up is that right and as i didnt finish planting bulbs before the snow is it ok to put the rest in,thanks chris
2 Jan, 2011
I agree with MG but having said tht I have moved soe of the dead foliage that is now 'in the way'. I hope that we dont get much in the way of hard frosts as the old foliage does act as a good insulation.
2 Jan, 2011
Trouble is that the longer we leave beginning clearing up, the less time we have to do it before the new growth appears and is damaged by the process. It depends on the size of your garden really as to when you begin,
2 Jan, 2011
And wehre you live. I wouldn't remove any old foliage as I know we are almost guaranteed to get more seriously bad weather.
2 Jan, 2011
Dont think you are alone Ladyb. my garden looks a soggy mess but I bet underneath that mess are some little green shoots waiting to explode, you could tidy some things, I need to lift plant leaves that have fallen onto the grass, so I will lift them off and leave them on the border until later on in the season.
2 Jan, 2011
thanks all,my sedums are budding at the bottom and im hopeing no more snow, but its forcast for tomorrow,oh well roll on spring
3 Jan, 2011
I have the same problem, and I need to get out and tidy up, I plan to start next week, I will loosen up the soil and mulch as I go. But I have some major work to do out there, moving shrubs and small trees. But atleast I can see the garden now. all that snow.
My ducks are sulking, their pond is still frozen solid. Still spring will still be here.
3 Jan, 2011
Where you live, I'd leave well alone - I don't believe for a second that this winter is done with us yet, fully expect more ice and snow, so let it lie till at least end of February. Unless your garden is absolutely huge, and it takes 6 weeks to get round it all;-)
3 Jan, 2011
Totally agree Bamboo.
3 Jan, 2011
im leaving my garden well alone, I think theres more bad weather to come! Gardens have a habit of surviving. if the winter is long the spring will be delayed any way. (and thats not me being a kill joy you know) I just think were not through it yet
3 Jan, 2011
Guess what's happening in this 'mild' area - yes, a blizzard! So I'm glad I didn't remove all the insulating leaves and top growth etc. because it definitely isn't over yet. :-(
3 Jan, 2011
In fact we are really on just moving into winter proper.
3 Jan, 2011
I've done a tour of the garden yesterday (I'm in Edinburgh) and I just had to meddle a little bit. My helibores were lying flat due to the weight of snow that had crushed them, so I helped them up right with connect stakes. The other job was the collapsed Phygelius they were causing damage to the plants they had grown through so I had to remove them. I've left the branches on a cleared bed.
Other than that everything looks ok as is, rhubarb buds visible, clematis died back but bright green buds visible. Green manure looks a mess but heyho plants are to be dug in in Feb anyway.
So I would take any action that looks necerssary to protect plants that have collapsed or are stressing their neighbours. My lawn was springy and no footprints visible as the temp was up at 7oC.
5 Jan, 2011
I wouldn't walk on any part of your garden right now as it is likely to damage the soil structure. Your spring bulbs should certainly be coming through by now... ours were showing before the last lot of snow. As to the ones you haven't planted I'd suggest getting them into pots for this year and then planting in the garden after the leaves have died back.
2 Jan, 2011