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Cheshire, United Kingdom

my white jasmin is all soggy with leaves still atached but soggy looking , shud i cut it down in spring .... or leave it to recover , it made a lot of groth last year but did not flower was new last year . am wanting it to go up a hawthorn tree . help please



Mine's the same was just getting to a good height too, and a pressie from my daughter...:o( I think we'll just have to wait till Spring to see if there is any new growth sprouting...though I think we may have lost them.

8 Jan, 2011


If its Jasmine officinale, I'd be very surprised if it were actually dead - do as Janey says and wait to see what happens by late spring. If some of the topgrowth is obviously dead, cut back to live wood.

9 Jan, 2011


have to see if labels still on it ... hope its not died urgggg !!!. bin out to day and checking things ........... all looks so sad , fingers x o((((

9 Jan, 2011


cked it to day and it is !! does that mean it will recover... bamboo. i reall hope so , janey wots urs !!!

11 Jan, 2011


It should, although it does rather depend when you planted it - if it was in autumn, it might not, if it was spring, there's a good chance.

11 Jan, 2011


it was spring last year bamboo........ it put on a lot of groth and looked very heathy but no flowers ................ o i hope it does urggg

11 Jan, 2011


Not worth fretting about - it had all summer and autumn to make root, so even if the topgrowth's been killed right back, you should hopefully get new growth from the base. And it's either still alive, or it isn't, and all your worrying will make not a whit of difference, lol! Have a glass of wine and put your feet up - you'll know in late spring;-)))

11 Jan, 2011


Great news Cristina....mine not so shoots so far, it did flower a lot last year...maybe it's too early yet. Had my wine Bamboo...just got a couple of months to wait now..Lol!

11 Jan, 2011


ooooooooooo janey !!! looks like we ganna get a bit drunk then waiting 4 spring then lol !!!!

12 Jan, 2011


Sure are Cristina....have got a couple of months worth stacked up ready....aahh...come on you plants ....grow!!....Lol

12 Jan, 2011


hehehe lol lol lol hic hic ............. ooooooooooops hic !!!

13 Jan, 2011


Isss thara bud there Cristina? Slurp....

13 Jan, 2011


;0p lol lol lol u seeing things hehe

13 Jan, 2011


Lol...well, we've been sitting here all this time, surely something will have grown by now!!...:o))

14 Jan, 2011


cke wen we wake up lol all that wine .................... lol oooooooops hic haha

14 Jan, 2011


shright Cristina,...thought I only had 4 bottles....nope can definitely see eight....:o))

14 Jan, 2011


haha lol 1 wud put me on the floor !!!!! r u sure only 8 ;op

14 Jan, 2011


He..he....could be 16!

14 Jan, 2011


Bet you're not fretting about your Jasmine now, you two...

16 Jan, 2011


lol care to join us bamboo!!!

16 Jan, 2011



16 Jan, 2011


Unfortunately, my drinking days are over, Cristina - on a drug which only allows me one small glass of wine a day max. Not that I care, I never liked it much anyway. Now if they said I couldn't eat chocolate any more, I just might have to slit my wrists...

16 Jan, 2011


ermmmmmmmmmmm o well i am with you bambooo , choc yes ........ drinking not really !!! 1 glass and am on the floor lol x going out to ck plants now x

17 Jan, 2011

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