Alchemilla Mollis when to sow?
By Janey
I have a packet of Alchemilla Mollis seeds which say sow in Spring. Would I be able to sow them now and over winter them in the Greenhouse so they have a good start for next year?
On plant
Alchemilla mollis
7 Sep, 2008
I suggest you sow the seeds in February and leave them outside , they are unlikely to germinate without being subjected to frost.. They should show about April. In case I am wrong try sowing a few now and see what happens.
7 Sep, 2008
Thanks both, think I may do as you say Poannua and try one or two now, if they don't come, I haven't lost them all.
7 Sep, 2008
I know it's always satisfying to grow from seed but really I am sure somebody would give you a few seedlings they are so prolific.Very useful plant.
8 Sep, 2008
I have them in my garden and infact been lifting them to dispose now.
As they self seed all over .
I dont like them once they have finished flowering.
Like to see them best after a shower of rain.
15 Sep, 2009
Hi, this was last September, I sowed the seeds and they never came up, so I bought a plant which has done well this year, with nepeta close by. I've never had it seeding though, you must have the ideal conditions, and as you say it is at it's best after rain......:o)
15 Sep, 2009
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As they seed themselves if you leave the flowerheads on, I suppose it might work. My RHS book says to plant them in the spring in a cold frame.
7 Sep, 2008