By Jonboywalton
United Kingdom
state the importance of checking turf regulary and what this means for a range of species
18 Jan, 2011
Exam question alert!! ;-)
Possibly another example of the species "Examus questionus dubious" - not very well phrased to avoid confusion.
18 Jan, 2011
Stated as requested ...
"the importance of checking turf regularly and what this means for a range of species" :o)
PS typo alert ... regularly not regulary ;o)
18 Jan, 2011
Hi jonboy........ suggest you ask Grandma before she puts out the lights !!!!!!
Like all the others I am confused as to what question you are asking ?
18 Jan, 2011
Sigh, sounds like another lazy student trying to avoid the intellectual effort of researching the material, and actually understanding the reasoning and processes. They'd rather cut and paste!
18 Jan, 2011
Obviously, you check turf regularly so you can go cut the grass. Using a push mower will provide more exercise for that emerging species known as the lazy student.
19 Jan, 2011
It's the 'what this means for a range of species' I don't quite get... species of what? Micro organisms? Insects? Various types of grass in the mix?
19 Jan, 2011
goodnight Tug... goodnight Bamboo... goodnight Grandma ... goodnight .. Johnboy ... goodnight Beattie .. goodnight Wylie...
... good night everybody .. ..
19 Jan, 2011
X Goodnight Grandma!
19 Jan, 2011
Lol. :o)
19 Jan, 2011
There is probably something within the context of the original exam that indicates what sort of species they are talking about. That's not a given, though: I have even met English professors with only rudimentary communication skills!
19 Jan, 2011
I raked my back lawn today... then I checked the turf ... it now looks better, which means important good news for worms, dogs, birds, ants, spiders .... ladybirds ... lizards ...
... on being interviewed, the spiders stated the turf improvement is welcome, because it allows a more direct commute to work each day on the world wide web ...
... the worms said they could wiggle faster across the turf
... the ants didn't have time to comment...
... were on their way to the ugly bug ball...
19 Jan, 2011
Terratoonie! You're doing Jonboy's homework for him!
19 Jan, 2011
"English professors with only rudimentary communications skills" ? ... I thought they might be impressed with Jonboy's homework answer of "what this means for a range of species" .. Lol.
20 Jan, 2011
Well, this is either an exam question, or an order... if the former, you'd better do some more research.
18 Jan, 2011