Grandmamoy's Profile

About me
My Veg.Garden in halfway up a hillside in MidWales - 5yrs ago it was a steep sloping meadow we had it leveled but it is very stoney and consists of different kinds of soil - some clay some sandy. It is 108 ft long by 60' wide faces east south east literally halfway up the valley we are about 850' above sealevel.
Five years ago my husband decided to 'leave a footprint in the sands of time' and we planted an orchard which now has 150 mixed fruit trees - his claim to fame is the we have an Apricot tree and last year we picked 6lbs Apricots in Rain sodden midwales.
I grow veg and soft fruit - we are sill eating last years main grop Pots and Beans from the freezer - have just finished last years Rasps.
Husband wants to know if I want my bed moved to the pOLYTUNNEL
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Joined in May 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Powys