By Moorlands
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Phormiums, now the heavy snow has flattened all the leaves down, would it be best to cut off all the leaves to the base of the plants and hope they recover?
- 23 Jan, 2011
i know this is kind of bolting the door after the horse has gone, but! maybe tying in the leaves in future at the beginning of winter with some soft string would be a good idea, it not only stops the leaves becoming too damaged but it also protects the crown, which even on large specimens can be damaged in winters such as the last two.
best action is to wait till you see new active growth and then set too with gloves and secateurs and remove anything dead or damaged
23 Jan, 2011
thanks for answers
at least by March the garden waste recycle bins will be back in use.
23 Jan, 2011
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No. Wait till April, or March if the weather is warm, and then remove any damaged, discoloured, shredded or dying leaves, leaving behind anything that's healthy.
23 Jan, 2011