By Weedpatch
United Kingdom
Has anyone any suggestions for foliage plants that I could grow which would add an architectural feel to my garden in one year? Basically, cheap,fast growing, big and disposable at the end of the year.
I love cordylines and phormiums, lost them all last year, kidded myself it was a one off winter as some of my plants were fifteen years old, replaced them at great expense and...... So, I can't afford to replace them this year but have huge gaps to fill and need some nice foliage which I can treat as annual. Is there anything out there that will fit the bill that you have grown and found to be good?
30 Jan, 2011
Ricinus communis? (Remembering that all parts are toxic!) Cannas - dark or stripy leaves?
30 Jan, 2011
Canna indica (Indian shot) can be bought in places like Poundstretcher for very little money - this is the basic species, just has very large green leaves with orange red flowers in a good summer, but it gets large in a season, growing to about 4 feet in the ground. It might even survive a winter if you leave it in the ground, and it certainly increases.
30 Jan, 2011
Thanks for the suggestion to look at Anchormans blog, will go there next.
Cannas are so obvious I hadn't given them a thought although in the past I have admired them in displays, so will definately give them a go. Love the fact that there is some dark foliage, which I love. Even just to have big green leaves at 4 foot high wood be great though.
Not actually come across Ricinus communis but have just looked it up and think that would also be good. I must look out for some seed quickly. I have an ordinary green Castor Oil and I think that has survived although it has looked miserable for weeks. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for your suggestions.
30 Jan, 2011
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Hi Weedpatch, I could name a few , but you might want to take alook at Anchormans blog from last year, " Plants with a long flowering season". Its full of interesting info and I'm sure you will get some ideas from there. Good luck.
30 Jan, 2011