By Franco3588
Hello, I am in Canton< China. The average temperature now is between 10 and 18 C. I have been waiting for my oregano to seed but it hasn't. Any suggestions or help will be appreciated.
By the way, theparsley problem I had this past summer is "solved" for some reason the parsley just took off about a month ago and is growing fast enough I can use it about every 2 weeks! (Just have one plant now I keep cutting and it keeps growing!).
1 Feb, 2011
Parsley is a cool-season plant, and always grows best when the weather has cool, but not frosty nights. My Oregano always blooms in late spring--about the end of April here, maybe sooner in Canton if spring heats up fast, maybe later if summers are relatively cool.
2 Feb, 2011
Previous question
Not sure why you want the seeds - I've never noticed them myself on mine, but the plant itself spreads and makes a very large patch over time - I'm always digging up large clumps and getting rid of them, otherwise it takes over.
1 Feb, 2011