By Roseberry
United Kingdom
I bought a Clematis armandii in a small pot 2 weeks ago. It is growing fast ( about 3ft tall now) with lots of buds. At present it is in the green house which is only heated when we think there will be a frost. Would it be safe to plant it out yet or should I pot it on, till all risk of frost has gone ?
22 Feb, 2011
Agree with Bamboo . . . it is perfectly hardy once established.
22 Feb, 2011
Thanks a lot Bamboo and Sheilabub..... Will do just that. Look out for photos when it blooms.
22 Feb, 2011
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« RE Cordyline frost damage: I've just looked at the base of the tree and seen...
No, you can plant it, but as it's been inside for a while, you will have to harden it off gradually over a week to ten days before finally planting it.
22 Feb, 2011