Perennial pruning
By Owzel
United Kingdom
I have Romneya and also Montbretia which have or are about to finish flowering. They are now looking very untidy. Am I able to cut these back now or should I wait for the leaves to completely die?
17 Sep, 2008
We are often too tidy in our gardens, in the past we left the plants to die back on their own, giving Autumn colour. A good time to cut back and clean up is just before Nov. 5th. when all the rubbish can be burnt on the bonfire ( if you have one).Some of the dying flower heads can be dried in bunches in the potting shed.
17 Sep, 2008
I usually wait until the leaves are brown with most perennials. Some I leave till next year because it protects the plant in frost (Penstemens, fuschia etc) I leave grasses until Spring since they look nice even when brown. Other folk may give you specific advice, so see if anyone else answers you. Welcome to GOY.
17 Sep, 2008