By Digginfit
Perhaps a silly question, but.. I have quite a large number of summer bulbs that I want to plant mid-late March and April. I also want to get a good thick mulch put down on all my beds and borders before the annual weeds (and slugs!) become active. Question: Should I mulch before planting the bulbs or plant the bulbs first? I know I could wait and plant the bulbs later but if the weather is good, I'd like to get them in as I have a fairly heavy schedule of other commitments coming up in April/May.
24 Feb, 2011
I'd plant the bulbs and then mulch, much easier than digging through the mulch to plant them.
24 Feb, 2011
Thanks Bamboo that makes sense. I hadn't actually taken heat of the soil into consideration! That's what I thought Moon grower. However if I plant the bulbs first, how will the additional inches of mulch affect the planting depth. Will the bulbs find their own way? I think this what my real concern is. Sorry if this sounds a silly question.
24 Feb, 2011
They should find their way - 2 inches of mulch shouldn't be a problem, they'll find their way and if they're later flowering, the mulch will have shrunk down anyway.
24 Feb, 2011
Thanks very much for the advice Bamboo. It's appreciated.
24 Feb, 2011
The bulbs in our garden get mulched at times - never seems to be a problem. As Bamboo says they just take that bit longer to appear. Most bulbs are planted too shallowly and drag themselves down into the ground.
24 Feb, 2011
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« hello all,have just bought some seeded potatoes" maris piper" they are...
Doesn't really matter which way round you do it - but I would add that the best time to apply a thick mulch is actually mid April or May, before the heat of summer hits, and whilst the soil is still very moist, but already warming up. Put it down now, and you'll be trapping the cold in the ground and keeping out the heat... though for all I know, you're warmer than UK in March anyway.
24 Feb, 2011