Potato Bed
By Martyn2
United Kingdom
This year I put in a new raised potato bed (about 15 ft by 8ft). I did not have much soil so filled the bed mainly with the contents of my compost heap. In due course it was planted out with 96 well chitted main crop of various varities. The top growth was very vigorous indeed. However, when I came to dig the crop there was hardly anything there. The whole thing only yielded 16 decent size spuds (Vale Emerald). The bed is, by necesity, in a fairly shady spot. Any ideas how I can improve for next year or should I just put the bed down to soft fruit ?
19 Sep, 2008
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building raised beds
raised vegetable plot
Comfrey was shown to be the best fertiliser for potatoes. Why use all that space for potatoes when you can use a barrel and keep earthing up? I got far more potatoes from just five seed spuds in a barrel. A shady spot would not be a good place for fruit either, as they need sunshine to give sweetness, cucumbers like a shady spot.
19 Sep, 2008
any veg you attempt to grow will need sun to develope, if your bed is totally in the shade you will get poor crops.
20 Sep, 2008
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I think the trouble is caused by excessive nitrogen from the Compost heap, They have needed Phosphate and potash to balance . the growth. If you do the same next year feed them with Rose or Tomato Fertilizer. The shady position and this years wet weather have probably contributed to the problem
19 Sep, 2008