By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have a strawberry planter that I used last summer with great success I have noticed that all the plants are doing well much to my surprise after the winter when do I need to start feeding them and also should I get more fruit this summer than last with them being established plants
1 Mar, 2011
Strawberries require regular feeding with a balanced fertilizer - (tomoripe is fine) - to produce a good crop. They should be fertilized at time of planting and early in the spring in subsequent years. Apply a second feeding shortly after harvest. Never apply fertilizer to strawberries late in the growing season in cold climates, as this predisposes the plants to winter injury. In warm to moderate climates, an August or September feeding is recommended.
Strawberries need to be well ventilated and require a steady supply of water. Water the plants any time there is less than an inch of rainfall in a week. One good soaking a week should be sufficient in most cases. Always water early in the day so that foliage has a chance to dry before nightfall. This will help prevent leaf diseases
Happy tennis time ....!!!!
1 Mar, 2011