By Hewy
United Kingdom
Will Lavender Stoechas revive after the hard winter.
6 Mar, 2011
Agree with Beattie - this plant is nowhere near as hardy as ordinary Lavender, despite what the sellers tell you.
6 Mar, 2011
Even given protection i our greenhouses at nursery, they have all died. Best to stick with either 'Hidcote', 'Munstead' or 'Vera'. Noly ones we have found to cope with winter
6 Mar, 2011
Hello and welcome Hewy. I'm sorry I don't have good news. You can hope, and I always give apparently dead perennials til at least June before I decide they're definitely dead, but I've found that Lavender stoechas is not very hardy and have lost them several times.
The usual recommendation is to grow it in a container and bring it into cover for winter.
6 Mar, 2011