By Hanne
I´am going to Chelsea flowershow this year for my first time. Do any of you have some god advice for me.
My friend want to visit a bookstore with gardenbooks in London, can you recomend one or two.
We are staying for tree days, we visit Kew too.
7 Mar, 2011
My advice is to wear the most comfortable shoes you have, there's a lot of walking involved. There are many books for sale at the show, and there are also gardening books for sale in the shop at Kew Gardens. Hope you have a wonderful three days Hanne.
7 Mar, 2011
I agree about the comfortable shoes! And take something waterproof to sit on on the grass, in case all the chairs are occupied. If you have a small umbrella, and it rains, you are in luck because the crowds will rush into the marquee and you will have a great view of the designed gardens.
7 Mar, 2011
Seating's quite difficult to find if you want a little rest in between times, so the advice to take something to sit on is good. Recommend also that, if you want to eat at Chelsea flower show, don't choose the 'classic' times of 12-1.30 or 2 - the eateries are very busy then, so plan to eat earlier or later. And bring an umbrella, lol! Kew will be somewhat less busy, and is very open, lots of walking and as far as I'm concerned from my own interests point of view, not much to see. I live near Kew and, not being a hothouse plant lover, I rarely go, but its certainly worth a visit if you've never been.
8 Mar, 2011
Hello Hanne! My husband and I have had the luck to go to Chelsea quite a few times, and the best advice I can give you is to get there for the gates opening at 8:00 (hope that's right!). The atmosphere in the crowd of folks waiting to get in is fab! Also I would make my way to the main show gardens first, before they get too overwhelmed with all the excited garden lovers! When we have been there we have always made time for a rest and an ice-cream (or a Pimms!) at the Bandstand area. Listening to the Military bands playing their hearts out is, to us, as much an integral part of the Chelsea experience as drooling over all the gorgeous plants and gardens! As the folks before have said, comfy shoes are a must, and I would also bring an extra bag for all the goodies you'll want to take home with you, some of the stands have a terrific selection of gardening books, as my poor hubbie found out to his cost, both to his pocket and with one arm ending up very much longer than the other!! Anyway, Hanne, I hope you and your friend have as much fun as we've had over the years!
8 Mar, 2011
Thank you, taking time to answer me.
We shall live close to the gardenshow. I will bring something so sit on/lay on and we have talked about bringing some of the food to avoid the queu.
I have been to Kew once, I look foreward to return.
I will of course show you some pictures when I return.
16 Mar, 2011
Have a good time Hanne! Bringing your own food is a very good idea, but do leave room for a Pimms! ;) Libet!
17 Mar, 2011
The biggest bookshop in London is Waterstones in Piccadilly and they have a good gardening section.
7 Mar, 2011