By Littlelegs
United Kingdom
I.D. on seeds please.
Was given these to germinate by a friend who had no idea what they are and nor have I. He seems to think they are a fruit seed. Thanks for help.

8 Mar, 2011
Look melon-y to me - the same family as marrow, squash etc. The sharp curve of the casing suggests a tiny gourd, perhaps.
8 Mar, 2011
I agree too. Quite probably an ornamental Gourd.
8 Mar, 2011
Thankyou Mr. B., Beattie, and Fractal. I agree they are Gourd seeds. Don't know what type , but will put in tray tomorrow and you never know what will appear.
8 Mar, 2011
The flat, oval seeds remi nd me of a marrow; so taking the casing into account also I would suggest a gourd or squash?
8 Mar, 2011