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Is My Blue Spruce Dyeing?


By Jacque

Norfolk UK, United Kingdom

Its Needles are going Yellow in places & falling off is this Normal ?Or am i loseing My Tree :/ ?



It doesn't look too bad Jacque, from what I can see through the web. Conifers in general will go brown if not enough water and can die quite easily, but you've had loads of rain havn't you! There is always a percentage of needles dying off, but I don't think it should be losing a lot at once. Perhaps Bluespruce can advise. I planted my conifer bed with Thuja soil and they all look happy at the moment, despite the hot summer they lived through.

1 Oct, 2008


Hi Jacque,
if the needle yellowing and dropping is predominately within the interior of the tree and not on the currant years growth, then the probable cause is either some sort of spruce aphid or spider mite. You will need to spray with a systemic insecticide ( if you can still buy them) or a contact spray that will deal with spider mites, and I would also recommend you spray again sometime just after Xmas especially if we have another mild winter.

1 Oct, 2008


Thanx Chris/ Bluespruce 4 your very Helpful Answers :)il go Spray Hunting 2morrow Now as your rite its not goin yellow on the New Growth just old :)

1 Oct, 2008


Oh now I'm worried about my Blue Spruce and its 10.40 pm ;-(

1 Oct, 2008


Ams, it can wait till morning, 11.03 pm.

1 Oct, 2008


Is it a young tree?

1 Oct, 2008


Jacque - I see my giant spider has moved to your garden by the size of the web in your spruce :-)

2 Oct, 2008


I checked my young Blue Spruce today and have exactly the same problem. Thanks for the advice.

3 Oct, 2008

How do I say thanks?

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