By Lainedru
Muncie, Indiana,
United States
Fremontodendron - My husband and I saw a pic and fell in love with this plant. It's not hardy here though. Does anybody know of any hardy yellow blooming climbers?
29 Mar, 2011
I think it is (after a quick internet search for it's U.S. hardiness zone)! Thank you very much. For the record, you guys are quite a bit warmer than me. I'm sooo jealous!!!!! :)
31 Mar, 2011
It's the Gulf stream that does it - if it ever stops, we'll be as cold as colder parts of Canada, we're on the same latitude. Fingers crossed...
31 Mar, 2011
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« Sweet Autumn Clematis - Cut back? Hey guys, should I cut back my sweet autumn...
Only one I can think of is Clematis tangutica - not sure whether that's hardy where you are, though its fully hardy in Britain, unlike Fremontodendron, which needs a very sheltered situation.
30 Mar, 2011