West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Roses and clematis on a 4in square pole, 8' high.
I have made a framework round the pole with eyelet screws and wire. I've planted a wichurania rose and a clematis 'The President'. I would like to add a clematis alpina to get early foliage and flowers but I'm wondering whether this would swamp the other 2?
29 Mar, 2011
You need to think about the pruning times for each plant, as it will soon become impossible to prune one without damaging the others. The best Clematis to intermingle would be a viticella or texensis that gets chopped to the ground every spring. This would simplify things a lot!
30 Mar, 2011
Thanks Bamboo and Volunteer. think I.d better leave well alone at least for this year and see how it things go.
5 Apr, 2011
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I wouldn't recommend it - the rose and clematis you have are probably enough.
29 Mar, 2011