Miniature Cherry Tree
By Picard
United Kingdom
Hi everybody, I'm quite new to gardening so I'm learning as I go along. My friend gave me a Miniature Cherry Tree which I planted in a container about 18" deep, over the summer it has grown quite well producing 6 branches from the main stem but no cherrys. My problem is I'm not sure what to do now, do I prune it?,if so by how much?, I've noticed some of the leaves are brown with holes in them. The soil I used was John Innes number2, any advice would be most appreciated thank you.
8 Oct, 2008
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I think it may need a richer compost. The leaves will soon drop off, as the tree is deciduous, that's why they are going brown. I am not surprised that it hasn't had any fruit yet, it's probably too young. Don't prune it until buds are forming in the spring as it could get diseased if you do it too soon. My RHS book says it needs to be fan-trained against a sunny wall to be sure of ripening the fruit and also giving you the opportunity to net the tree against birds.. So you need to use canes and wire to start training it, if you can - then cut out the shoots that stick out at the front and trim back the others to healthy side shoots, tying them in to create a 'fan' shape. You are also supposed to prune to the shape again after it has fruited. Good luck with all this!
8 Oct, 2008