By Casso
United Kingdom
Can I put my cuttings in a cold frame to harden off instead of bringing them in each night and putting them out again the next day?
5 Apr, 2011
the cold frame is on the patio Terratoonie.
5 Apr, 2011
i do this when there is space. I just close the lid up on a night and open them on the morning.
5 Apr, 2011
If the cold frame is on the patio, I guess it won't be too cold, being quite near the house ... so Seaburngirl's advice re. closing the lid at night should be ideal ...:o)
5 Apr, 2011
Thank you for your advice.
6 Apr, 2011
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Two things to consider is where the cold frame is situated and if we are likely to have a very cold April ...
5 Apr, 2011