help what plants can i put together?
By Samwitch
United Kingdom
i ahave just been given some plants which i will be putting in containers as don't have a garden just a bit of outside space as i haven't even had that before i have no idea what plants i can put in the same tubs any advice would be great i have the following
aubretia/ campanula
pansies,narcissus and hyacinths
many thanks
6 Apr, 2011
Hi thank you for replying to me i have some medium square containers 39 cm widest part by 29cm high and larger round ones 48 wide x 38 high and some a bit taller and wider i have a couple of small square ones that are about 19cm x 18cm and couple of small troughs ,sorry can't be exact as they are at home and had to ring my son to measure them (which hes not too impreesed with LOL) i have one area that is north east facing i get the sun in the morning till about lunchtime face on then at the side of them from the south in the afternoon and i have another area which must be west facing as i get the sun in the afternoon. hope this helps
6 Apr, 2011
The heathers will need ericaceous compost, the others will take whatever you've got.
If they were mine, I'd plant the agapanthus in the middle of a container and put your choice of either aubretia/ campanula or heuchera round it and put that container in a sunny spot.
Then put the alstroemeria in another pot and surround with the aubretia/ campanula or heuchera you didn't use last time and put in the next sunniest position.
The hebes could be anything from little low, slow growing things to faster growing plants that will make great big shrubs, so I don't know what to suggest about them.
Heathers, pansies and daffs / narcissi work well together even if your heathers are not winter flowering.
The sedum could be a creeping ground coverer or the taller S.spectabile. Try pairing it up with the astilbe and see how it looks?
And, this is purely a matter of taste and only my opinion, but I'd chuck the montbretia away.
6 Apr, 2011
I think Beattie has given you some very good suggestions - I'd chuck the montbretia too... messy plant.
6 Apr, 2011
Hi Beattie and Moon grower thank you so much for your advice that has really helped me i was given 6 heuchera various types so will be able to do what you suggested, the sedum i have is sedum spurium i think i will try it like you said as i can't have it as ground covering the only soil i have is what is in the containers. the hebes i have been given are purple shamrock and magic summer
6 Apr, 2011
Both those hebes are quite small so suitable for containers. Sedum spurium is a low growing ground cover type so would make a good edging plant round any of the plants you've got - except the montbretia, of course.
6 Apr, 2011
Well, I'm fond of montbretia although I have to stop it from spreading too much! I would have thought it would be ok in a big pot---big splash of red or orange, depending which you've got.
6 Apr, 2011
Previous question
Hi Samwitch and welcome to GoY. What size are your containers, how many do you have and which direction (north, south, east or west) will they be facing in? You have a fairly eclectic collection there!
6 Apr, 2011