By Casso
United Kingdom
I was about to go out a buy some compost to fill some tubs to plant some flowers in but Dave said he'd found a full unopened bag in the shed. He brought it up and filled up the tubs. Then I looked at the bag and found it was a growbag for fruit and veg. Will flowers be OK in growbag compost?
7 Apr, 2011
I reckon growbags are worse for being rubbish compost than all purpose compost. I'm not doing that again!
7 Apr, 2011
Use it but mix some multi purpose with it.
7 Apr, 2011
There will be no problems. Annuals will benefit more than perennials, but like any compost, adding slow release and / or feeding regularly with tom fert will encourage flowers. Once planted treat as ordinary compost.
8 Apr, 2011
Thank you for all your comments.
8 Apr, 2011
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I don't see why not, in fact it will probably be better than the rubbish compost that is for sale now.
7 Apr, 2011