Spider plants as air plants?
By Greenfingers
United Kingdom
I have 3 spider plants, only about a year old. They have produced branches of babies and I was wondering if anyone had tried to grow them as 'air plants' - the kind that are stuck to a rock or shell and sprayed with water occasionally. Spider plants seem to thrive on a bit of neglect. My 3 are strong, green and healthy looking. They are on the bathroom window sill and seem to do very well with very little care. I just thought the babies would lok good on a rock or shell. Any advice greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
On plant
Chlorophytum comosum (Spider plant)
17 Feb, 2008
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house plants
Buzzbee is right Greenfingers.. they need to be planted but will apparently do well in a jar of water for a little while at least - good luck.. and dont get rid of those pollution eating plants - they are cleaning your air even if they are not able to live on it!
17 Feb, 2008
Thanks friends - I have loads of these little babies and have taken a few of them off and popped them in a glass of water. They are certainly lovely plants - I took three babies from my late mother-in-law's plants and I am surprised at how well they've done in their 1st year.
I will be giving them away to my work colleagues - or anyone else who wants them - unfortunately I don't have room to keep them all. Shame they cant grow as air plants - they'd look geat against shells or rocks - and we live near the sea!
19 Feb, 2008
Hello. Did you know that these plants can be grown in hanging baskets, tubs, wall baskets, etc? They not only look very nice in the centre with something like Busy Lizzies around them, trailing Lobelia AND they are very hardy. Mine came through the winter in hanging baskets on a north wall here in the UK, Southampton a couple of years ago. I was amazed!
29 Sep, 2008
I have a monster Spider plant in my kitchen. It produces 100s of little baby plants every year. Last year I cut them all off but to look at the plant again this year you would never imagine it!
Here the local council plants 100s of the plants in flowerbeds on roundabouts & other containers. In fact I saved my plant one year when they were about to change the summer planting for spring planting.
There are a couple of photos of my plant in my photos.
4 Nov, 2009
I love spider plants , my Mother had one , you hardly ever see them now , you have put me in the mood to try and hunt one down .
17 Feb, 2008