By Dreeny8
United Kingdom
I am looking for two smallish shrubs to grow in containers. These are to replace two badly damaged in last winter's snow and frost. One that has been recommended is a dwarf Buddleiah. There are a lot
of suggestions on the web but I like to run these questions before the helpful people here who would have done similar things.
They would stand in an aspect which gets sun from mid-day onwards.
11 Apr, 2011
From what I've seen, the new Buddleia 'Buzz' is a nice little plant - if you don't mind it not being very attractive when not in flower. I'd recommend Pieris too, but Pieris japonica 'variegata' - variegated leaves, looks good all year, needs acid compost as sheilabub says, slower growing and not so large as other Pieris. There's a dwarf version of Photinia too - Photinia 'Little Red Robin', good for a pot.
11 Apr, 2011
Yes, Bamboo is right - Pieris Forest Flame would get too big, so the variegated one is better for a pot.
11 Apr, 2011
Thank-you so much for everyones quick and very helpful replies. I am sure I shall find something among those.
11 Apr, 2011
Previous question
« I've just bought a Salix caprea pendula, which will grow to about 8' high,...
If you want scent, try a dwarf lilac or Sarcococca. Or Pieris "Forest Flame" will give you year-round interest, (lovely deep pink bracts and white flowers) but needs to be in Ericaceous compost. Also best in Ericaceous, Acers look good and have lovely leaf colour, but no flowers of course.
11 Apr, 2011