By Great
United Kingdom
I'm very,very behind in the garden!! I've got my potatoes planted and my onions in. I need to prioritize; what should I do next? I need to catch up
12 Apr, 2011
Do you mean in your flower garden or your veggie garden?
12 Apr, 2011
Flower part of the garden is sorted. It's the veggie part that is out of hand at the mo. Onions are in,some of the potatoes are in, salad leaves have been sow n and thats about it!! Plus im off to Dorset for a week so i'll be even more behind when I come back lol
16 Apr, 2011
Great, the wonderful thing about growing veggies is that you can sow them over a long period. It is actually recommended that you sow small amounts peas, beans, carrots and brassicas every two weeks over a month or so to allow for fresh crops. So start when you get back from Dorset.
16 Apr, 2011
Thanks MG.
17 Apr, 2011
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depends what you want to do realy . its a dificult question without knowing what you want to grow .
12 Apr, 2011