Which Climber is best?
By Veryberry
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Thanks for all your replies.....I decided to buy a Clematis Nelly Moser, it looks so pretty i can't wait to see the result next year.
12 Oct, 2008
Honeysuckle is good and have a look at climbing hydrangea as well. I've got one on my north house wall and although it is slow growing it is fine.
13 Oct, 2008
I put in a Pileostegia viburnoides as being a little different. It actually flowered in its first year! I believe it may be related to the H.petiolaris. It's evergreen.
13 Oct, 2008
I've got Clematis Nelly Moser growing on a north facing wall without sun, there are others if you are willing to experiment.
13 Oct, 2008
Euonymus will self cling without going mad - 'Silver Queen' and 'Emerald Gaiety' are the ones I'd recommend
13 Oct, 2008
It's a bit late in the year to plant clematis. But if you do, chop it down to a foot right now. I've got seven new plants that were purchased in late September that are around 18 inches high and they will remain under glass until next April when I will plant them out. Check my site on how to look after clematis.
16 Oct, 2008
Lovely garden you have Muddywellies. Must pay you a visit next time I visit Devon. Your site is brilliant but nothing beats the real thing.
17 Oct, 2008
hi there, try honey suckle any specie or what will look well because mine have grown with no sun is jasmine clotted cream exellent climber and a great vagrance hope this helps
12 Oct, 2008