By Mtm
United Kingdom
I have just collected a reasonable quantity of horse manure from a stable yard.
What is the best way to use it to imptove the soil?
And or help the plants?
17 Apr, 2011
If it was fresh M. maybe lay it in the corner of your garden until the Autumn, then spread it over and around your plants. Lovely stuff.
17 Apr, 2011
I always mix mine with REVIVE, the stuff that you can buy from the council tip, its wonderful, I had really solid clay soil, and it is now lovely, it also means you can use manure that is not quite well rotted, it goes on my roses and everything, but make sure you keep it away from the stems of things. good luck.
17 Apr, 2011
I got a tonne of well rotted (pungent!) farm manure from my farmer Dad yesterday, I've just laid it quite liberally on top of my horrid clay soil (dug it over first). Going to give the worms a chance to work their magic before digging it in myself :)
18 Apr, 2011
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Was it fresh or rotted down ?
If the latter you can either dig it into the ground or lie it ontop to act as a weed suppressant as well as letting the worms take it down into the ground.
17 Apr, 2011