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Weed question from my nice neighbour along the road...

She is using a Scotts product ... Ground Clear, I think, and she wonders if this is the right way to go, or whether there is something stronger...

She has treated the area to the left of the photo, and some grassy weeds have died... I think maybe she just needs to use more of the product and wait a while for results ..

any comments please...

Thanks in advance for answering her question :o)



I would use Roundup then when all the weeds are dead, remove them and fill up the gaps between the slabs with a mix of course sand and cement. That should really curtail growth this year.

20 Apr, 2011


Roundup will definitely kill most weeds but it won't stop new seeds sprouting unless you follow Kildermories advice.

However Path clear not only kills weeds but stops seeds germinating for a claimed minimum of 6 months. Only use it on paths and drive ways.

20 Apr, 2011


Thanks ... I will pass your advice onto my neighbour...

20 Apr, 2011


Hi TT, if these were my pavers, I would drizzle table salt along the cracks. I use salt to kill weeds on my gravel drive, works great and cheap too and available in the supermarket. 12p a packet in Lidl. Takes a few days to take effect.

20 Apr, 2011


Hello, whilst the weedkiller may kill the weeds, then it still leaves all the dead growth, far better to use a weeding knife and get them out by hand, its really quite simple and once you get into the groove [pardon the pun] then you could easily weed the slabs in the picture in five or so minuits, and once this has been achieved then each week check for any signs of weed grwth and out them, by doing so the slabbed area will always look tidy, this job is far better done whilst its dry, so now would be ideal, weeding knifes can be purchased from most diy and garden centres and come either hand held or on a stave, julien.

20 Apr, 2011


Thanks Dawn ... I'll pass on that idea too ...
I told my neighbour there would be some good answers :o)

20 Apr, 2011


Thank you Julien... I agree ...
that's the way I would do it myself...
... but this neighbour is not a gardener, busy with a career and looking after a grandchild, so maybe in her case not the best solution ...

20 Apr, 2011


TT. I use the ready made up 'Resolve' for down my sideway, which is concrete and the weeds grow up at the sides, it works a treat.

20 Apr, 2011


TT I use salt, put salt down on dry days,
I use it on gravel drive and a good table spoon full in the crown of danelions in the lawn

21 Apr, 2011


Thanks Grandmage and Jiffy ...
I'll mention all these ideas to my neighbour including the Resolva and salt ..

21 Apr, 2011


Jiffy, I might try the salt on the D.lions, does it burn the grass though?

21 Apr, 2011


If your neighbour is very busy (and it sounds like she is) then one of the specialist Path products is the best thing to use, as mentioned by Anchorman above - apply with a watering can with a fine rose along all the cracks, whether or not weeds are currently showing, making sure the cracks are wetted thoroughly. They usually claim to keep weeds away for 6 months, but its more like 3 really, I find, even with Pathclear, which I note has now changed its name to Season Long... However, an application now (on a dry day when no rain is expected) should keep them away till autumn. Bayer also make a Path control product which is just as effective and slightly cheaper. Should not be allowed to run off onto borders or planted areas.

21 Apr, 2011


Good table spoon in the crown (centre) of the dandelions on dry days, dandelions will go brown and the grass will grow back, sor on the eye's for a week or so (brown dandelions) no differant to spray's

I use salt abause fields around me are full of dandelions
All fields is are yellow now (not to bad) it's when they turn white and the wind blows then garden will be full of dandelions seeds again so i need something quick and simple and safe, so i use salt best thing for me

21 Apr, 2011


Thanks Jiffy, might try this on the lawn before they get a hold!

21 Apr, 2011


Mine's got a hold it's a battle every year sorry every month sorry every week Lol

21 Apr, 2011


I know its a b*^%$" nuisance!!!

21 Apr, 2011


thanks Bamboo..
I'm going to write a list of all the suggestions for my neighbour ..yes, she is very busy... does shift work and lots of child care !

and thanks to everyone... I knew you folk would come up with lots of ideas :o)

21 Apr, 2011


You're welcome TT, let us know how she gets on.

21 Apr, 2011


I would not recommend putting salt on dandylions on lawns. If done very carefully and with the correct amounts I'm sure it works but I've seen several examples where too much is applied and it kills the grass around it.

Dig them out or a quick spray with Verdone Extra will do a much better job and will not kill the grass.

21 Apr, 2011


Hi Everyone, on the subject of weeds, do you know of a weed killer that can be sprayed onto weeds growing amongst a young hawthorn/mixed hedge that will kill the weeds without harming the hedging plants.

21 Apr, 2011 I did wonder if the salt might burn the grass, maybe I should stick to branded lawn weed killer.

21 Apr, 2011


I've visited my neighbour along the road and told her how helpful you've all been with your answers... I wrote out a summary of your suggestions for her... thank you.. she is going to try the salt first .. experimenting on one area of the front garden concrete drive, which has similar weeds to the back patio ... between the joins !

22 Apr, 2011


Hi Tt, I use my jet wash to get the weeds out of my path, and of course cleaning it at the same time :0 i tried weedkiller once and it marked the path, which is very porous..

22 Apr, 2011


Thanks Dee ... I'll pass on that idea as well :o)

22 Apr, 2011



Salt will definitely kill grass if it is applied in anything other than small quantities on the centre of a weed as it will drop/wash off onto the surrounding grass.

Verdone extra is my selective weed killer of choice and can be watered on lawns using a watering can with a fine rose or you can now buy handheld sprays for spot weed killing. Buying the already diluted spray( About £6 for a litre ) is much more expensive than buying a litre of concentrated Verdone extra which will dilute down about 50 times and only costs £10.98

I bought some yesterday from B and Q.

Applying a few granules of lawn weed and feed to the centre of the weed will also do the job but be careful not to over do it. 3 or 4 granules per weed should be enough


There is no weed killer that will kill broadleafed weeds and not damage the leaves of shrubs.

One method that works in some situations is to get a piece of hardboard or thick card board and shield the plants/shrubs you don't want to kill whilst spraying the weeds you do.

Alternatively you could use a paint brush to apply weed killer to the weeds whilst avoiding the stuff you want to keep

22 Apr, 2011


Thanks for the advice, I will follow it carefully.

23 Apr, 2011



23 Apr, 2011


:^) .. Anchorman... handsome when you smile ..LOL.

23 Apr, 2011


Thank you Anchorman :-)

23 Apr, 2011


I've been using Green Thumb company to fertilize and apply weed killer to my lawns and i noticed the last time he kindly sprayed all the weeds coming up round my drive, whatever he used it worked...

4 May, 2011


Useful to know, Bill.... thanks ...

I must walk along and check how my neighbour is coping with her weed control !

4 May, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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