By Bamboo
United Kingdom
ESTHERLUV - Not a gardening question, but am wondering how many of you got a private message from this person. She thought I was male and sent me one, lol, got short shrift from me and I flagged it, since she's obviously touting for business in the time honoured and more old fashioned manner of 'ladies of the night'.
22 Apr, 2011
me too, flagged it
22 Apr, 2011
Yup, she fancied me too, have flagged it.
Clearly this person (could be male or female) is spamming each of us in the hope that we'll respond, there will be gullible people on here who will reply out of politeness and they'll be drawn into the whole thing.
Tell him/her to bog off.
Or just ignore.
Either way, flag it and Admin can block further communications.
22 Apr, 2011
Well you can't blame 'em for trying I suppose - shows resourcefulness at least.
22 Apr, 2011
That person doe's not love me no pm's Lol
22 Apr, 2011
Ha ha, jiffy, sounds like you're feeling left out! I'm sure its pretty random...
22 Apr, 2011
Who said gardening was boring...
22 Apr, 2011
me she targeting women...spooky...I flagged her and message does she have so many inroads to certain members if she isn't one (how do you leave a PM if you aren't a member) ...
Never mind...I am a bit miffed now....I thought she was targeting me alone..was briefly flattered...only briefly mind.
22 Apr, 2011
Bamboo, don't take any notice of him he's just looking for sympathy!
OH Miss Jiff.
22 Apr, 2011
She was a member, Giroffle, registered as estherluv. Maybe Ajay's removed her already, I haven't checked...
22 Apr, 2011
that's even more eerie - has she ever asked a gardening question ?
22 Apr, 2011
Don't be daft, course not, Giroffle, well, not the kind of garden you mean anyway.... And Jiffy's other half, that got posted same time as mine, so I've only just seen your comment - don't worry, I don't feel sorry for him, lol!
22 Apr, 2011
Perhaps she wanted someone to plough her furrow..
I'll get me coat.
22 Apr, 2011
See now, Owdboggy, that's exactly what I was trying to avoid, wanting to be somewhat more delicate about the remark which was actually in my head... which I have to say was marginally worse than what you've just put in print, lol...
Anyway, that particular young lady would be far more interested in removing the contents of your wallet rather than being interested in what she does to get it...
22 Apr, 2011
Ha Ha - you are so funny Bamboo "touting for business" - how do you know she was looking for a male ...;-) - let's not get into that one
Anyhow I'm out of here..with a Ha Ha Ha !
22 Apr, 2011
I got a PM today from the lovely Esther - who was so keen for me to get in touch with her. You mean, she fancied all of you too? And I was last on her list!? She's so fickle!!
:-( AHH, *sob* love-lorn sigh!
22 Apr, 2011
"not the kind of garden you mean anyway..."
LOL Bamboo!
I've just looked and the PM has disappeared.
I'm a moderator on another forum and we get spam posts much more frequently than they appear on GoY. I have to clear spam or newly registered members who appear on lists of spammers almost every day.
22 Apr, 2011
ooh, bit slow there, Beattie, but you noticed it in the end, lol!
22 Apr, 2011
It would have been SOOO disappointing to have been left out!
22 Apr, 2011
Would not get much out of my wallet. Looked at it the other day and found there were some pencil shavings in it. Now the last time I sharpened a pencil with a sharpener must have been over 20 years ago.
Any way back to Estherluv, there seems to have been an influx of these type of postings on a lot of sites recently. Wonder if anyone actually falls for them?
22 Apr, 2011
I think you'll find that quite a few people actually seek them out, Owdboggy - what happens via the internet these days is incredible - all of life appears to be there!
22 Apr, 2011
According to her (if it really is a she) profile, she is in Senegal.
22 Apr, 2011
Well I guess that explains why she's not hanging about the Pentonville Road in Kings Cross then...
22 Apr, 2011
I discussed the use of english in the message with my OH, trying to guess where Esther is. His guess was eastern europe, maybe Latvia, mine was west africa. I win!
22 Apr, 2011
Yes she contacted me too - just flagged it and then deleted it from my PM's
22 Apr, 2011
'birds and bees' are kind of linked to gardening... Jiffy, I'll pm you if it makes you feel better... I was left out too!
22 Apr, 2011
ive just joined but im sure 1 of you will pass her message onto me ooerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
19 May, 2011
wots a pm is it polictical or wot
19 May, 2011
private message, Deckingman...
19 May, 2011
Yes.....I think she contacted me some time back, and I flagged it too. I noticed message was no longer there after that. 'She' private messaged me out of the blue. Some people are very 'creative in their use of the internet.
22 Apr, 2011