By Limpet
United Kingdom
I haven't been able to find out what this plant is, does anyone know please?

26 Apr, 2011
Thanks Steragram, you sort of did get it right, I think I've found it; Pilea peperomioides, also know as Chinese money plant or Chinese missonary plant
apparently there are quite a few different plants referred to as Money plants!
26 Apr, 2011
The plant I know as "money plant" is Crassula argentea. There's a vast specimen in the entrance to our doctor's surgery - it started flowering magnificently when GP's got that huge pay rise a few years ago. Significant!!! ;-)
26 Apr, 2011
Right, I've been looking into this and this is what I found out; there seems to be many 'money plants' I wonder if I'll get rich if I get one of each ;)
'Money plant is a common name for a few different plant species, including:
Epipremnum aureum - a tropical vining plant from the Solomon Islands
Lunaria annua (Honesty) - a herbaceous biennial, grown for its attractive spring flowering and dried silver seed pod middles
Crassula ovata or argentea - a small plant with fleshy leaves, also known as a jade plant, lucky plant, dollar plant or a friendship tree
Pilea peperomioides - a small plant with very round, dark green leafs, also known as Chinese Money Plant, Lefse Plant, or Missionary Plant and is from the south of China
Pachira aquatica - Seven leaf tree. It is also known as Money Tree, Money Plant, Malabar chestnut, Guiana chestnut, provision tree, or saba nut. Often sold with trunks braided.'
28 Apr, 2011
Wow! You get 10 out of ten for your homework! I will make a note of the Pilea.
1 May, 2011
I would never have found out if you hadn't said 'money plant'! :) Thanks!
2 May, 2011
I have one of these that was given to me as a "money plant" with the promise that as long as I have it I'll never be short of cash! However, money plant in my encyclopedia refers to honesty (lunaria annua,)and it certainly isn't that. I hope somebody else will know so I can write it a label!
26 Apr, 2011