By Jackalfeest
United Kingdom
the two established wisteria growing up the front wall of our (recently moved into) home are already starting to grow across the windows and up under the fascia/guttering - can I chop them back before July and how? Many thanks
1 May, 2011
I'd be far more brutal and just hack back what you don't want! Cut down at least half a metre from your guttering and remove any growth over windows. The wisteria is going to keep growing no matter what unless you dig it out.
1 May, 2011
You can be ruthless if you like and do some renovation pruning, but consider first, has it been trained/pruned properly over the years, is it in flower now, is it looking a picture, if so then carefull pruning needed, if its a scrawly entanglement with few flowers then renovation pruning will be needed, and if you choose this method then adopt the twice yeary pruning technique on the new wands, to encourage a good framework of flowers in the future, julien.
1 May, 2011
My experience is that most Whisteria are allowed to gallumph all over the place... I would not allow to encroach on windows or guttering... Which are rather more important!
1 May, 2011
I would cut them back a little under the guttering, you dont want them going under the roof tiles and causing problems, the grwth near the window, tempory tie in those long wavy wands and then prune to a few buds in july and again in january on the regrowth, julien.
1 May, 2011