By Eve_lee
United Kingdom
Hi there, can anyone tell me when I might expect to see flower buds from my peony plant. It has spread to 50cm width and 50cm height, though it has plenty of lovely foliages, no buds.
My neighbour's plant has already several stems of buds coming up.
4 May, 2011
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You're not alone, Eve. I plant a couple more paeonies every year, and have yet to have one flower. I knew that they sulk when moved and take time to settle down, but I WOULD like at least one to flower, eventually!
4 May, 2011
Mine are all in bud and flower now, if there is no sign of flower stems then you aren't going to get flowers this year. Make sure you follow Julien's advice.
5 May, 2011
Odd this shy flowering, I planted one last Autumn and it is in flower now. I cannot remember ever having to wait for more than one season for them to flower. Even the self seeding species versions flower within a few years too.
5 May, 2011
Thanks everyone for your helpful comments and tips. For the record, I have planted the peonies the same level as when bought in tubs last year(in bloom). I have also diligently watered every day during cool part of day and fed weekly with liquid feed, even put in a handful of bone meal at planting. The only thing I can think of is moving them from pots to bed in early march, after activity of growth. Maybe I will get flowers next year. New garden, just can't wait to see established growth.
Thanks again.
5 May, 2011
On Gardeners World they said that the way to get lots of flowers is to keep them well watered all the time (but not waterlogged). Haven't tried it but perhaps that would help.
5 May, 2011
Maybe, but we rarely water anything except when planting and new stuff in weather like the present.
5 May, 2011
It is likely that move from tub to open ground in March is what has caused the lack of flowering stems.
5 May, 2011
Well, let's hope it is a late flowering variety. Bring on summer. Bought some stems from tesco to cheer myself up. I have flowers.
5 May, 2011
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Peonys prefer to be in full sun and this can have an affect if they are in shade, also have you planted them too deep, they need to be just below the soil surface, have they been transplanted recently, peonys dont like being moved as a rule and the shock of this can affect flowering not just for one season but a few, have you kept it watered during this dry spell ?, are your neighbours peonys in full sun, they may be planted shallow compared to yours, do they give them a liquid feed, now if yours are deep planted and you move them to just below the surface then that in itself can shock them again and delay flowering, if so move in the dormant period, julien.
4 May, 2011