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By Scotkat

Angus, Scotland

First time growing celery which has now germinated well.

Help what next ?

Has anyone ever grown celery?



Hi scotkat,

I grew it year before last.

I sewed in modules and planted out lovely seedlings, they grew well, the variety I grew was a new one that didn't need eath pulling up the stems to keep White as some other varieties do, its best you check what variety you have if you need to do this. so I left then be, but when picked the stems were hollow.No good for salad, but ok for stews.
Water them well, as I guess that could have been my problem. I'm a bit of a reluctant watered, it's a big job with a watering can.

Hope you have a good crop.
Happy gardening.

12 May, 2011


Thankyou this has helped so some for me rest will be planted in our veggie plot at our local community garden.

I shall keep you posted of there growth .

12 May, 2011


They need rich, organic soil, and lots of water--they were originally bog plants.

14 May, 2011


Thankyou will remember.

14 May, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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