By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
has anyoneseen this amazxing link to some amazing plants i got of me very good friend killen ? there realy amazing including a plant that dances to music believe it or not . i hope you enjoy it as i did but i like something a bit different if you hadnt guessed already lol .
12 May, 2011
Interesting, thank you NP :-) The dancing plant was particularly unusual - I thought you were joking til I saw it.
12 May, 2011
I had to save that link to my favourites! Thank you.
6d introduced me to the Nepanthes this week, but we never got its full name - a little harsh to name it after Sir David I think!
I have a couple of Ceropegia, here's the link....
I do have some spare seeds for Mimosa pudica which I would be happy to post to you.
12 May, 2011
yes please meanie im at 6 fir road thetford norfolk . can you put some instructions in please lol a bit cheeky i know .
as if i would joke about anything beattie lol x.
you areso right cammomile right up my ally as they say lol . i like thinking out the box and these plants do that for me . i have 2 pitcher plants and one flowerd this year . it smells lovley but is quit boring to look at . just like me lol .
13 May, 2011
Sending you a pm Nosey!
14 May, 2011
you said you were sending me a private message meanie but i havnt seen it yet x .
15 May, 2011
Check again, it's deffo in my sent box! If it's not there I'll have to retype it!!!!!
15 May, 2011
i still couldnt find it meanie i tell you what my email is if you want to make sureit gets to me lol x .
15 May, 2011
i got your seeds meanie thank you so much .
15 Jun, 2011
Just had a look at it. What strange plants. We used to have a sensitive plant many years ago and actually saw them growing in the wild in Singapore. I would say the web site is very you noseypotter - if you know what I mean!
12 May, 2011