By Piccolo
United Kingdom
Hi we moved into our house Feb 2010 and we have realised we have a sudo acacia growing up the front of the house. At first we thought it might be a wisteria until the branches and thorns started growing. It had been severely pruned before we moved in.
I think it will have to be removed in stages so as not to disrupt the moisture level of the surrounding area, but my question is am I correct, does it need to come out or can it just be pruned and managed. The main trunk is about 12" wide at the moment.
14 May, 2011
It seems a strange choice joining the house unless it self seeded? If its a Pseudoacacia yes get rid, but If it were mine I would cut it right down to the ground and drill all round the inside of the bark and immediately fill holes with stump killer then cover the stump treat any shoots that appear.
14 May, 2011
Thanks very much for your replies.
I thought so. Should I do it in three stages or so? It's about 12 foot high. I only worry about the effect on the moisture of the ground and foundations (which I don't think there are any of). If I do it in one go it might suddenly increase the levels. I'll enclose some photos.
14 May, 2011
Hi Piccolo, no photos... I'd take it down to the ground straight away as Drc advised.
14 May, 2011
Having now seen a photo of it I Think I would get an expert to take a look in case its an insurance claim?
14 May, 2011
Ah found your photos and agree with Drc you need to get an expert to look at... definite possibility of damage to the house.
14 May, 2011
i have comment on the photo and agree that the tree needs to come right out.
14 May, 2011
Just a word to say many thanks to all your views. I'll call an expert on Monday and have it removed. I'm not too worried about damage from the roots. I've had a good look under the floor boards inside the house. The inside of the wall underneath is in perfect condition too. It's an 1894 Victorian terrace and my builder said there are no real foundations but it also hasn't moved in all that time. There obviously are roots and as sucj it will have to be taken down in stages maybe a third at a time over one or even two years.
I'll post back when the expert has given his report.
Many thanks again.
PS I think the previous owners were not very clever gardners. The back garden was a field of ground elder on each side with a strip of grass down the middle and a 9' privet hedge. It's all changed now!!
14 May, 2011
If it were my pseudoacacia I'd be getting out as soon as possible. It will continue to grow and even with pruning the roots are likely to do structural damage.
14 May, 2011