Is The Sloe Sheild Bug really a pest?
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi. Can you tell me if Dolycoris Baccarum (Sloe Shield Bug) is beneficial in the garden in any way? I know they can leave a bitter residue on the berries which came up under a pest search. I have taken a picture of a very handsome little fellow and would like to use him on our garden landscaping website. Would this be a good move or not? I am looking for 8-10 garden friendly bugs, any suggestions? Already have butterflies, bee, ladybird. Your help would be much appreciated.
Happy gardening
Minibeast Moocher
On plant
Dolycoris Baccarum

14 May, 2011
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Very pretty but not something I would encourage in my garden, both the adults and the nymphs suck the sap from plants. Not all butterflies are garden friends either, the cabbage white is one I prefer not to see around my brassicas. To your list of friendly bugs you could add lacewings, damsel flies, wasps, moths, woodlice and spiders.
14 May, 2011