United Kingdom
I have a 6ft "blue gem" hebe. If I prune it down to about 2ft will it shoot again from old wood?
29 Oct, 2008
I looked up when to prune Hebes this year, as I have several needing to be pruned. It was May - and I cut one of mine quite hard back to new shoots as an experiment. I had been warned that it might not work, or that it wasn't worth it, but it has done that shrub a power of good - it's still in flower now and does not look at all unsightly. I think that cutting it back as far as you are saying probably would not have been so effective. I was quite careful to go back to a healthy shoot on each branch, which of course you can see clearly in May.
29 Oct, 2008
Ive offten cut hebes back quite hard ,but usually in sping just above buds or joints .They usually come back with lots of new growth during the following season and flower till late in the year afterwards.
30 Oct, 2008
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Yes, you can prune Hebes as hard as you like, right down to the ground if you want.
29 Oct, 2008