By Casandra
Welcome rain tonight, well that is the forecast for large parts of the country BUT it is supposed to "fizzle out" further south it travels and wont be any were near enough to satisfy us gardeners and the farmers.
21 May, 2011
Casandra it's raining quite heavy here in Edinburgh, although the wind hasn't let off all day. No hose or watering can for a few days, fingers crossed!!
Welcome to GOY Beaty, I have only been a member for a couple of weeks and am loving the site have learnt so much already. A great friendly group who seem to have an answer/thought on everything about the garden. My poppies haven't flowered yet so no problems there.
21 May, 2011
We have not had rain for over 11 weeks and none forecast.
21 May, 2011
We had rain (lots of it !) last night..first time since Feb !!!!
...not enough though...irrigation ban imminent here....
21 May, 2011
So far this month we have had 9 really wet days. And the winds have varied from breezy, blustery right thru to the gusty stuff we got now. 45mph +, so far only damage is the OM's Laburnum is listing at an angle. the problem is I have a clematis and climbing rose at the base. But I'm getting fed up with the wind, I spose the wet days are to be thankful for. But I must admit, I can do wothout them.
22 May, 2011
We had rain last night too, the first for three months +, boy was it welcome.
22 May, 2011
Still no rain here just windy.
22 May, 2011
Previous question
« Sophora 'Gold King'"Love the look of this. Can anyone give me information...
Hi, just joined the site from Co Dublin. Great to see the rain as it will save us the trouble of taking out the hose for a few days! Hoping my poppies survive the battering though. You're garden looks great.
21 May, 2011