By Wendikins
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me if this is a weed? I have two vigorous patches in my raised bed and it seems to have suddenly appeared, don't remember seeing a little bit and thinking about tugging it out. It has long stems with groups of tiny white flowers at the end which have quite straight petals. I suspect it is as I have kept a record of all I have planted and can't work this one out !!!

22 May, 2011
It looks a lot like like Hairy Tare [vicia hirsuta] but I can't see the leaves too clearly. If it has white/to pale lilac,sweet pea type flowers on it, it is. Also, brittle stems and it tangles into other plants.
22 May, 2011
It's hard to see and there's no scale, but if the whole plant there is about 6 inches or so across it's chickweed. A weed.
22 May, 2011
Thanks for your help everyone. It looks quite nice really but is growing so fast it's likely to take over so I had better nip it in the bud. The flowers are like tiny aster flowers, that's the nearest I can compare them to and pure white. Oh well, I will just have to find something to fill the gaps !!!
22 May, 2011
Don't let it set seed or you will never be rid! If it is chickweed you can eat it - I know somebody who used to, but I have never tried.
22 May, 2011
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Yes but cannot think what it's called.
22 May, 2011