By Scotkat
How is the strong galeforce winds with you.
Its strong and feirce .
So So windy.
23 May, 2011
It's pretty windy today, but we had more wind on Saturday night. Really strong gusts then with pounding rain. Our forecast predicts stronger winds on Thursday.
23 May, 2011
Gosh its so wild I have had to move my potted roses before they got lifted with wind and out heavy summer seat.
Not so sure about my Tree Poeny its getting so battered.
23 May, 2011
It's a bit breezy up here as well. I moved all the loose stuff in the garden this morning and am now working in the house - I don't intend to go outside unless I have to!
23 May, 2011
Yes its so so wild take care and be carefull if both need to go out.
23 May, 2011
So far last some Sunflowers have lost there heads. My just planted Corn Poppy seeds are now all over the floor in the greenhouse, which now has a dent in it from something flying into it.
23 May, 2011
Yes windy here south wales and its blustery now...just been looking at my bean canes swaying. Ive a delivery of sand and driveway blocks today....dont think my husband will be laying the garden path anytime today :(
23 May, 2011
Take all and stay indoors.Its getting much worse.
23 May, 2011
Just watching a neighbours laburnum tree nearly uproot this is wild.
23 May, 2011
I'm sure its worse where you are Scotkat, but here in London its bad - the lawn out front is covered in ripped off leaves and branches from the trees and rose bushes, and a large pot on my balcony is being moved around by the wind all the time - its now diagonal to the door, when it was set square originally... No rain here though.
23 May, 2011
Very windy today and yesterday in the London area but does not seem as bad as further north. Went to an antique fair on N.Weald airfield today and nearly blown over by one really strong gust. Heavy rain for a short time early on Sunday. Had to use garden supports for the first time this year.
23 May, 2011
Getting wilder by the minute, I drove through to Inverness and back and branches, leaves and all sorts on the roads. Then there is the horizontal rain...
23 May, 2011
MG take care an everyone else.
23 May, 2011
Lost power for about half an hour, fingers crossed it will stay on until I finish cooking our meal... Though I do have the top of the multi-fuel stove as a back up. I'd planned a rather nice meal it is now somewhat more basic!
23 May, 2011
very blowy here too.
have you seen my martagon lily photos blog scotkat? just for you :o)
23 May, 2011
Whole of Inverness is without electricity so we were lucky to only lose power for a short time :-) Poor trees are having their leaves torn to shreds!
23 May, 2011
MG oh no so much damage all over.
23 May, 2011
Seaburngirl I will go look now thankyou.:)
23 May, 2011
B says BBC report that there are lots of trees down...
23 May, 2011
There were some dramatic pictures of a squashed car in Scotland. The driver was safe. The weather can be very scary when it turns nasty. Those poor people in America in that vicious tornado.
24 May, 2011
Look at my latest blog. the wind brought a huge leylandii tree from a neighbour's garden down across our veggie garden...
24 May, 2011
We had a power cut during the night at some point - all the digital clocks were flashing this morning...
24 May, 2011
On Bamboo I am sure there had many with power cuts .
24 May, 2011
Mg commented on the power cut affecting Inverness; we now hear that it covered an area from Thurso down to Aviemore and east to Forres. That is an area as large as the SE of England, though not as heavily populated.
24 May, 2011
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Not as strong as in Scotland, but damaging.
23 May, 2011