By Iagojames
Hello members can anyone identify this plant - it is growing in the little orchard where i keep our chickens,
i would really like to move it as its not in the best spot for us but it seems very happy in the semi shaded area it is in.The second photo shows the same plant , self seeded maybe? growing behind one of our garden sheds again quite a semi shhaded spot too.Naturally i dont want to risk losing it so i await your replies.
Cheers :)

24 May, 2011
ha ha i was so chuffed that i had an answer,
thanks for your reply thou Meanie. We both now await in anticipation. :)
24 May, 2011
I think it looks like a martagon lily. These like part shade so are in the perfect location
24 May, 2011
It is a lily, most likely Lilium martagon. No problem in moving it, just remember that it is a bulb and that it should be dug up just after all the foliage has died down, probably August/September. Replant the bulb in a similar situation to what it is now growing in.
24 May, 2011
Agree a Martagon Lily!
24 May, 2011
Many thanks to you all for clearing up the mystery, my wife did think it was a lily but had no idea which one.Thanks to your prompt replies i just googled it & found this interesting link
24 May, 2011
Thanks from me too.
24 May, 2011
i have about 20 of these in all my shady places they are a beautiful plant.
25 May, 2011
Yes they don't like being in full sun!
25 May, 2011
@saeburngirl- Gosh 20 of them that must be a lovely sight ...a picture posted please ;)
@Moongrowe- yes we need to make sure if we move it that its in a like for like place, my wife has suggested that it i get a move on with my next project ie; building the Pergola garden swing it can go along side their so we can enjoy the fragrance.So ho ho ho its off to work i go :)
26 May, 2011
Unlike the stargazer and other oriental lilies the martagon lily isn't particularly perfumed. It is one of the small 'turks hat' type lilies.
26 May, 2011
they are dotted about in 3/4 in severa places. I did a blog for scotkat the other day showing them developing Iagojames.
like the new avatar MG, very elegant.
26 May, 2011
Thx. SBG... not sure it isn't too elegant!
26 May, 2011
Now I've grown a variety very similar to this from seed last year ,Lilium Michauxii,or is it the same plant?, was a bit disappointed when they arrived as I swapped the seeds and they we're crushed in the post so didn't hold out much hope,but every seed germinated last year they had 2 leaves this year they're over 3ft tall and think I can see buds, just planted them in the wood yesterday, even more excited after seeing your picture Iagojames:-)
29 May, 2011
No they are two different species Simbad. Lilium Michauxii comes from the southeastern States whilst Lilium Martagon is native to central Europe east through northern Asia to Mongolia and Korea, we collected seed in the Pyrenees. L. michauxii has larger flowers than L. Martagon and the flowers range from yellow through orange to red. L. Martagon flowers are a mauve shade or white when it is called L. Martigon alba.
29 May, 2011
Thankyou Moongrower didn't know that:-)
29 May, 2011
You're welcome Simbad
29 May, 2011
No idea, but I'd like to know too.
24 May, 2011