preparing plants for winter
By Cricketlane
United States
--How do I prepare these plants for winter? Hemerocallis daylily--perennial coreopsis--perennial lavandula angustifolia--perennial gaillardia--perennial phlox
wave purple spreading petunia--hibiscus pinot noir?
On plant
see above question.
2 Nov, 2008
everything spritz says but I would take the hibiscus inside most wont take below 5c
3 Nov, 2008
sounds cool guys...
but do we know if the hibiscus is a hardy outdoor type, or a rosea indoor variety???
if its a outdoors one, then they are tough as old boots, other wise do as john says, and keep it in a heated glasshouse or light place inside...
7 Nov, 2008
Hi Cricketlane. I see you are in the USA, so I don't know how far your temperatures drop in the winter. I can tell you what I do with most of these plants and then you will know whether they need an extra layer of mulch against low temperatures if that's what you get!
Hemerocallis dies back naturally - you could remove the dead leaves and mulch over the area.
Coreopsis - I leave the stems on until the frost kills them and then cut them back to the ground.
Lavandula - should have had a light trim after flowering and then another one in the spring - don't cut into old wood.
Gaillardia - cut back old stems.
Phlox - paniculata?? I have cut all mine back to the ground and mulched them.
Are your Petunias hardy over there? Ours are treated as annuals and have been thrown into the compost bin!
Your Hibiscus is not one I know, I'm afraid. Is it a shrub or a plant?
Hope this helps.
3 Nov, 2008