stuff to grow in the shade
By Roo
United Kingdom
Can anyone suggest any plants that I can grow in pots against a house wall that faces roughly north and gets no direct sunlight? I would like a mix of tall and shorter plants. They don't need to flower (although it would be nice).
2 Nov, 2008
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shade plants
Thank you Spritzhenry, I think that might cover it!!! I'm a complete novice at this and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to grow anything against this wall - but how wrong can you be!
Once again, many thanks. : -)
3 Nov, 2008
Viburnum tinus varieites and most euonymous would work really well aswell. Vinca would be a good flowering ground cover aswell. You may even get away with some Hydrangeas!
3 Nov, 2008
Thank you Plantgeek. Hydrangeas would be great! Just about the right size and shape. Ferns as well. I could have a mixture of those and then some Geraniuums for seasonal colour. For a wall that threatened to be dull and bare, that's not sounding too bad is it?
3 Nov, 2008
Roo - not many Hydrangea species will take such a lot of shade, I'm afraid. Check it out with the Garden Centre or Nursery when you go to buy one, won't you.
3 Nov, 2008
Try this site for hundreds of well described plants: As the name suggests they specialise in what you're looking for. Happy hunting.
3 Nov, 2008
I have Sarcococca, Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo', Geranium phaeum and Jasminum nudiflorium in a north-facing position by a fence and all are doing well, although the winter jasmine gets slightly more light than the others. I have Vinca major variegata in total shade elsewhere and the variegation brightens up the area, but this plant 'walks', rooting by its tips. I don't mind keeping it in bounds and digging up the occasional rooted bit but some people might.
4 Nov, 2008
Thank you everyone for all your suggestions, they have been incredibly helpful. I'll have other questions by and by (bush roses. I need bush roses!!). I hope no-one will mind if I post them on here (the questions, not the bush roses.) : -).
4 Nov, 2008
Of course not! But we will want to see photos of your planted shady pots and the new roses once you've got them going!
4 Nov, 2008
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Hostas, ferns of many types, Ivies, Hellebores (single and double, lots of variations in colour), Ajuga, Bergenia, Astilbe, Geranium phaeum (several colours) Tiarella, Pulmonaria, Epimedium. There are more....
Will that do to be going on with? :-)
3 Nov, 2008