By Ben85
United Kingdom
I currently have 2 buxus in pots that i bought last year and they are starting to have new growth and am wondering if i am meant to let it go for a while or keep it trim the whole time?
I would quite like for them to grow a little bit, so is it best to use the natural growth do this or force it into thickening up another way.

29 May, 2011
Hello, let it fill out a little further and then give it a light trim to keep the shape, remember if you let it grow to big it will look to big for the pot, so in time you may need to think of a slightly larger pot, buxus enjoys being tightly clipped, keep it watered and be vigilant for box blight that has been prevalent in recent years, i prefer to clip box in mid june, julien.
29 May, 2011